Monday, February 8, 2010

Gastroparesis How Can A Person Have Gastroparesis AND Diarrhea?

How can a person have gastroparesis AND diarrhea? - gastroparesis

I thought that a person with gastroparesis have problems emptying their bowels, because the food moves too slowly. If so, then why a person has diarrhea with gastroparesis? Is this not mean that the food moves quickly through the body, so slow? Can someone please explain to me, because I do not understand.


Pangolin said...

Gastroparesis means that there is a delay in the emptying of food from the stomach into the intestines. (Gastro = stomach paralysis, paresis =) Once that is done in the intestine, it can easily travel.

The two are linked.

Alex R. said...

Since diarrhea is caused by bacteria in the gut. No matter directly to his intestines, the more the bacteria in the gut.

Michelle L said...

Since the movement of waste through the intestine is removed and water is resumed. When the muscles of the intestine does not contract completely, not all of the wastewater can extract. This can result in diarrhea due to excess water in the stool. Not all diarrhea is due to high mobility.

W W D said...

It's a long way from the stomach into the sigmoid and rectum. Moreover, it is not uncommon for people with diarrhea, fecal near a large mass of constipation. People simply do not cooperate.

RW said...

Sounds like a broken faucet.

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